Shipments Calendar​

Shipments Calendar

A custom WordPress plugin for shippings.

The company in question their goal was to have a way for their customers to have a clear overview of their personal shipments. The plugin also had to work well with big datasets of shipments. 

For the user interface there are 2 main functionalities. The calendar, which lets the user switch between months and click on shipments to review more information. And at the bottom an export functionality. Which lets the user filter and export their shipments to .csv format.

Since the plugin was required to be able to work with big data sets an import and export for shipments in .csv format was a must. To optimize the experience and avoid the server timing out we implemented a queue system. Which made it so the plugin is able to import hundreds of thousands of shipments at once.

Custom bulk edit options for the shipments start and end date were implemented. We did this to ensure the ease of changing these 2 values in case of delays or other influences.

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